Free website,
built in 2 hours

No coding experience needed

Pre-built template and guide to create your own website


  • 📧 Integrated mailing list
  • 🗓 Meeting scheduling
  • 🌐 Free website hosting
  • 🎨 Customizable features
$0 /year for Get Going vs $300 /year for SquareSpace
Steps to Get Going

Customize to fit your brands look and feel

Fakebook mockup example Notflix mockup example Amaznot mockup example

Optimized for both desktop and mobile

Get Going Desktop Get Going Mobile

Something missing? Request new features here

About me

Hey, Luca here!

I recently left the corporate life to follow my dream of entrepreneurship.

Now I’m on a mission to launch 12 startups in 12 months (this was my first!)

If you want to hear when I launch something new it would be great if you joined my launch list!

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